Monday, May 25, 2015

Re-disovered...I'm not so different

It's been a while since I've written a  post and my kids have been on me to here's my last "essay" type of post. I've gotten away from what I originally intended this blog to be. I'll be playing around with it this summer, so stay tuned! 

As the school year started I thought a lot about my personal rediscovery. I've been a Stay At Home Mom for 21 years and have loved every single minute of it. Now that my youngest is in 2nd grade, I thought I'd finally take some time to find out what my interests are and what, if any, new hobbies I could find. Here's what I re-discovered about myself...

5. I can't sit still for very long.
I found out pretty fast that I get more done and feel better if I have a list of "to-do's". This is nothing new. I just didn't realize it is part of me, regardless of how young or old my kids are. If I don't have a list of things to do or projects to start or finish then I just wander aimlessly until I find something to settle with. My kids teased me a few years ago when my youngest started kindergarten because I'd decided to start subbing in our schools, ran for School Board, had crazy ideas and goals to change the house--paint, rearrange, clean out closets...all at once.

I GENUINELY LIKE PEOPLE...all people, every where I go.
I've read behavior isn't genetic but I I truly think some behaviors might be. My biological father never met a stranger, my uncles have never met a stranger, my brother never meets a stranger and neither do I. My kids used to laugh at me because by the time we left the grocery store I had a new friend in the person behind me in line or with the cashier.  I do miss not having babies with me as a conversation starter, but I've found that as life changes so do my conversations and conversation starters. When helping set my college kiddos up in their apartments, I've learned that this trait has been shared with them too....Who's laughing now? 

I started a book club in my fun little town. The first month I was so excited to read just for me that I read the first two months of books we'd chosen. I've since learned to pace myself a bit better but oh how I love to read and learn! I also discovered that over the past 21 years my vocabulary has decreased a bit. I read the first book on my kindle and love that I can highlight words I don't know; I can even look up the definition right there on the spot! There were at least 15 words I learned in that book. I should report that book was about 400 pages because 15 words out of 400 pages sounds better than 15 words out of 80 pages. HA! 

I made a few things for my house and family and after friends saw them I kept hearing, "You should sell this!" So...after a few months of consideration (and lots of encouragement from husband and kiddos) I started a blocks craft business, called Blocks By Design. Fear of my limitations have kept me from completing the website I started a few months ago. (Next "to-do" is to conquer that fear) I have done several shows and love all the aspects of doing that...I create things people like and want AND I get to meet all kinds of new friends in the process.  I've started murals on some walls, will be putting finishing touches on a window seat and shelf my sweet husband made for one of our daughters. I still don't really like to sew but I will if I really really HAVE to. There is something so exciting to see a finished project that you've created from as a choppy, unsanded 2X4 or blank wall. 

Is it possible to develop ADD as an adult? If so, I think I may have done it. I realized I have trouble sitting still for more than 20 minutes when I was attending a music festival in California for Memorial Weekend. I got a bit too excited about seeing so many kids around because it gave me an excuse to go run around with them. I had so much fun running around chatting with so many new friends, playing with the kids and dancing at night with my one super sweet young friend. Since then I've paid closer attention to my habits and how I need to always be doing something. I sub for our school secretaries and I love doing that so much! The hardest part of the job for me though is after all the work I've been given to do is done and then I just sit at the desk waiting to be needed by someone. 

So, what I discovered in my personal re-discovery journey is this...I'm the same me, just older than I was before my hobbies were redirected to be "kid friendly." As a mom of 6 kids, 4 who still live at home;  I love being around my family, I love getting the house clean in less than 4 hours-"helping hands" always takes longer, I love having "my time" a few hours a day to do things I had trouble doing when my babies were little. What I love the most about every day is when everyone is home sharing about their days and filling the house with laughter and happiness. That's a thing I don't think will ever change. So, bring on the summer and all the commotion, noise, laughter and happiness. That's what makes me, me...and I love it all!