Monday, August 15, 2016


As I'm reading all these back to school "letters" to kindergarten moms, senior moms, Jr. High moms etc. and I must say I'm kinda feeling like a bad mom. I do love summer vacation so much and I'm always sad to give my kids back to school and for all of us to start back into the crazy schedules, grade conversations, homework stresses, etc. However, I'm okay with all my kids staring their new years of school. I'll have one entering his (and my) last day of elementary school, "baby #3" starts his senior year, the other 2 are continuing in their same schools. I'm not near tears and I'm not wishing for "just one more day." Though I'm also not counting the days until they go back to school. Maybe I'm not a bad mom just an experienced mom that's  ready to watch the next season of everyone's life unfold. While I know I will have sad moments throughout the year, I'm excited for them to start their new year and am excited to watch them grow--academically and personally. I'm sure the last Halloween and Christmas room party I plan will be one of my "leaky eye" moments and their last High School choir concert always, always gets me...(I'm stocking up on tissues before October 30.)
     So, as we all read these "letters" and blog posts also remember it's okay to look forward with excitement and enthusiasm. After having 2 kids go off to college (1 recently graduated), I've learned a few things. 1. It's amazing to watch your babies spread their wings and fly so much higher than they thought they could...but just as you expected. 2. It's okay to want to hold on, but it's even better to let go (a little bit more every year) and let them stretch their wings, and 3. The current "season" we are in should be our favorite. Capture those moments and hold them close to your heart. They are fleeting and really do go by so quickly.  I remember hearing people tell me to "enjoy this time" as I'm struggling to get 5 or 6 kids to pick out library books while remaining quiet, or trying to safely get a toddler, a baby and several little kiddos to the car so I can unload 2 grocery carts of food. I thought, "yeah, I'll really miss this moment in time." You know what...I see other moms doing what I once did and smile every time as I remember the many times I did that...and survived, regardless of how many times I was sure those moments would do me in. 
     Moms, as school starts don't beat yourself up if you cry the first day of the school year. Your tears will dry by the end of the end of the day and your heart will be filled with joy at seeing their happy faces as they tell you all about the adventures. And if you're like me and not crying (yet), it's okay. Enjoy the freedoms your children have and that you now have. Watching your babies take advantage of their independence is a fantastic thing. And you get to be there at the end of the day ready to hear their stories of the new adventures and plans they have. 
I picture myself  looking like our dog after we've been gone for 15 minutes. ...excitedly waiting by the door ready to hear all about their days.  Have a happy back to school week and month.