Tuesday, August 26, 2014

End of summer. End of a book series

When I turn the last page of a good book, I find myself turning it more slowly so I can savor the last few words of the story. Today I as I closed the back cover to a five book series I've been reading all summer, I quietly sat and savored the moment in my quiet house. This series moved and inspired me in ways books don't often do. 

It was the Walk Series by Richard Paul Evans. I think I've read only one other book of his years and years ago. I don't usually read series books because I find myself getting stuck in a rut if I consecutively read too many books by the same author.  Though, I'm glad I stuck with this series. It has so many inspiring quotes and cool things about our country...truly loved the books. And they're quick reads too. Five books in 12 busy weeks...not too shabby.

The series is about a man named, Alan Christofferson, who decides to walk across the country. (I'm not a spoiler, so I'll be vague)  At the beginning of the book, Alan Christofferson has some rough things happen and he  walks away from Seattle which holds memories, crisis, fear, etc. He decides his goal is to walk to Key West, Florida. On his walk he meets many people that show up in his life for reasons he doesn't know or understand. Is it for him or them? As he walks across our beautiful country he encounters animals, situations and see things that can  scare the bravest people. I did research about the author and what if he did anything to prepare for this book. While he didn't walk the country, he did drive it and saw the many things the main character sees during his walk. 

This series made me think about my life and the people that have been in it for short times, just passing through or have been there for years and years.  Made me think of all the times as a young mom that I was struggling getting through the day at the drs, grocery shopping, bed times, homework help while I had other little ones tugging at my arms or crying for attention and someone noticed and offered a hand, entertained my kiddos while I check out at the store or just gave a knowing, supportive smile. Made me think of the times I've seen my sweet husband and children help older ladies with their groceries, push stuck cars out of snowy ditches, hold doors open for people and  all the emails from teachers telling me something kind my kids did at school. It made me grateful that we do and have taught our kids to walk through life with our heads up and aware of others around us.

In the book, people ask the main character how are you doing this? Why so far? One of his answers was  "I do it one step at a time."  We are all on this walk and the journey may be difficult at times and other times it will go by faster than we thought it would. My take from the series was  we all have the opportunity to be on this journey and to do good on our way and to graciously accept the help we're offered during our tough walks. In accepting the help, we may be helping the giver in ways we will never know.

I love books that make me think, that I learn something from, or inspire me to be better or do more. I'm not saying I always read deep, search for life's meaning type of books. I think there's something to learn from anything we read. We need to read what makes us happy and helps our journey be the best it can be.

I'm off to see what book needs opened next. Happy Reading!  Oh and pictures and craft ideas will be coming with my next blog post in a day or 2. :)  These new ideas really do make me happy!! I'm excited to share them with you.